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Holding Hands Up High

Welcome to Fountain Of Hope Ministries

Restoring Peace and Joy through Jesus Christ

Some of Our Services

Foundational Teachings

Installing Truth

The success of a student's treatment will come through foundational teachings, such as Spirit, Soul, Body, boundaries, compromise, strongholds and many more. These teachings will equip the student to become the Man of God they were made to be.

Truth Will Set You FREE!!
Inpatient Drug Abuse Treatment
Group Meeting

Group Studies

Healthy Recovery

This service is conducted in a classroom setting. We will go through different workbooks such as Anger and Personal Rights, Attitudes, Living A Successful Christian Life, Growing Through Failure and many more. 

Self Inventory

Biblical Counseling 

Responsible Care

Your personal history and circumstances play a key role in your addiction. We will offer 1 hour of Pastoral Counseling each week with one of our Pastors. They will help you understand what the root of the problem is and also walk side by side with you to help you overcome it.




We offer SOZO sessions. This is an Inner-Healing process where the student sits with Holy Ghost filled and trained members to walk through FREEDOM.


Breaking Of Generational Curses 

We help the students break curses off of their lives that have been in their family's heritage for generations. We find this to be very important for individuals that battle addiction and mental issues.


Please contact us at any time to speak with someone who can help you or your loved one. Any time, any day, we are here to help.

We Need Your Support

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We rely on your support to deeply help the people we treat at our center. Majority of funding for Fountain of Hope Ministries comes from fundraising and contributions from supporters like you. We can assure you that your help will be appreciated and will make a major difference in our patients’ lives. All donations help ensure no one faces addiction alone.

Father Carrying Child Outdoors

The Team


Pastor Roy McGee


I found myself in a vicious cycle of Prison and Gang Activity. In a prison cell I fell to my knees and the Lord came in and RADICALLY saved my life. Now he has given me the privilege to help others by walking side by side with them as they build an intimate relationship with The Father.


Shana McGee

Co Founder/Director 

I was once broken in a life of addiction and destruction. God delivered me and set me on a path of freedom. I now have found my identity through him and my mission is to walk others through the same battle. It is such a reward to watch people that was once in bondage be set free and transformed by the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit 


Anthony Fowler

Executive Director 

I was once bound by addiction.I would hide behind my deeds and work so hopefully no one could see the person I had really become.I had such a void in my life, a sense of loneliness but I had a desire and longing for a purpose, it was then God answered my prayers and I answered the call. The love of the father taught me how to love again. Restoring my identity and true purpose in life, which is to be a reflection of his son Jesus Christ. A lighthouse, a beacon for these men in need to come to, so that I can love on them like he loves on me and guide them to a brighter future. 

Stanley West

Intake Coordinator

I lived a life bound by the world, from addiction to running the streets. Then God placed me at fountain of hope. Since being here, the Lord has opened my eyes to the calling he has on my life and I have seen full restoration, even with lost family members. I am grateful to say that I am saved by grace and long to witness others pulled out of the same pits I was once in.


Larry Hill

Outreach Coordinator 

I was lost in in a whirlwind of pain then allowed God in my life and He set me free and gave me a life of freedom now through Him I get to walk others through their battles I get joy seeing others be SET FREE by The Word of God and The Power of the Holy Spirit.


Pastor Brandon & Norah Hord

Deliverance Pastors

Holy Spirit rocked our world and changed our lives through deliverance. We 100% believe if we hadn’t yielded to God, wise counsel, and deliverance our marriage would not be in existence anymore. Since then God has given us a heart to guide others in their freedom through deliverance ministry. We have seen the Power of God move and lives changed. Our desire is to share the love of Christ and let others experience His power and transformation in their lives.


Amber Kitzman

Marketing Director

Jesus changed my whole entire life! I was so broken, bound, and hopeless. In 2015 I had an encounter with the love and presence of God and everything changed. My eyes were opened and I could finally see. I’ve not been the same since and it’s now my mission and vision in life that others have that same encounter!!


Chris Kitzman

Program Director

There was a time in my life in ministry that I received some news that I did not know how to handle. I found myself in isolation and a place of depression and total despair. And honestly I was suicidal! But God in his mercy and His Amazing Grace lead me to Fountain of Hope Ministries where I stepped into restoration. God radically transformed me and pushed me back into the destiny that I thought would be no more.


Leon Veach


I once was lost and broken ,addicted to fentanyl and thought there was no way life could be different . Then I came to fountain of Hope. The program helped me obtain a new life, as a new creation in Christ , break the chains of addiction and walk in freedom as the man of God I was called to be.


Kaylee Fowler 


My life was crumbling around me, I was angry, lost, and broken even with being apart of a church body at the time. It wasn’t until I truly laid everything down at the foot of the cross that the Lord started to really move in my life. As my personal relationship grew with him the chains broke away! My ambition is to love on others and help them find freedom with the love of Jesus!

Our Fountain Of Hope Team Members Are Dedicated To Helping The Broken Find Restoration Through JESUS Christ

Kim Caster

Public Relations Director

I grew up in a family surrounded by addiction. I watched my husband struggle with addiction until he gave his life to the Lord. I have had my own struggles but thanks to a Loving God I was able to overcome them. I have a passion for seeing others set free in the name of Jesus and seeing families restored!

Sponsorship Opportunities

All donations help provide housing, food, clothing, hygiene products, counseling, any legal documents needed, and access to many other programs and services.


Benefit to you:

Our website and social media reach an average of 7,000 to 9,000 people each month.

We hand out approximately 50,000 flyers each month in multiple states.

It's a charitable tax deduction.

You are helping change lives and our community.

For more information or to become a sponsor please submit a Contact Us Form and type sponsorship in the subject line

“God redeems your story by surrounding you with people who need to hear your past so it doesn’t become their future”

Author Unknown


Fountain Of Hope Ministries

We’re Here for You

If you, or someone you know is suffering from some form of addiction, then it’s likely a symptom of a bigger issue. Fountain Of Hope Ministries takes a Faith-Based approach to get to the root issue of the addiction. We believe an encounter with Jesus Christ is the key to overcoming addiction.

Contact Us

Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction? Call us to speak confidentially with a Recovery Pastor now.


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